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Swoon Worthy (Curvy Cafe Book Club 6)


  Flora Madison

  Copyright © 2022 by Flora Madison

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Edited by Geeky Girl Author Services

  Cover Design by Cormar Covers


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  What to read next …

  Chapter One


  My feet are on fire, but I’m not complaining. Twelve-hour shifts are part of the package when you’re a nurse. I rest my elbow against the front reception counter and roll my left ankle until it pops. I let out a long sigh, suddenly flooded with instant relief. Call me crazy, but even with the long hours, less than perfect pay, and the unpredictable predicaments that can land a person in the E.R., I love my freaking job. Some people were meant to sit in an office or dance across a stage. Me, I was put on this earth for one reason alone, to help people.

  “Almost quitting time, Ariel.” Clara, the receptionist, taps a stack of papers against her desk. “At least it’s been a quiet shift.”

  I smooth my light brown hair back and tighten my ponytail. Quiet is a bit of an understatement, but considering how busy we’ve been in the last few months, Clara speaks the truth. “You know how it is. It’s always the last hour of my shift where I get slammed.” You’d be amazed how many people actually need medical attention first thing in the morning. “But at least it makes the time fly by.”

  From my mouth to God’s ears.

  The front doors swish open and in walks a man holding his right arm wrapped in some sort of flannel. His gait is steady, unwavering, but his head is down, causing him to slouch as he moves closer to us. I take two steps over to him, and as if sensing my presence, he raises his head. I’m met with the most gorgeous pair of turquoise eyes I’ve ever seen. For real, I’ve never met a human with eyes this blue.

  “I cut myself.” The man says in a deep, rasping voice. My eyes flicker to his flannel-wrapped arm as he squares his shoulders and stands up straight. I forget all about his bandaged wound and nearly sink into his shadow when he reaches full height. He’s got to be well over six and a half feet, but it’s not just his height that renders me speechless. With shoulders as broad as a linebacker and a jaw so sharp beneath his perfectly groomed beard that it could cut steel, my body betrays me. Instead of rushing to help him, I wish to God he’d help me scratch this itch burning deep in my core as a wave of wetness floods my panties.

  Luckily, the moment is short-lived.

  “Let’s get you back and take a look.” I walk a few paces in front of him, and he follows obediently. Clara opens her mouth to speak, reminding me of the fact that he needs to fill out paperwork, no doubt, but I shoot her a look that shuts her mouth. She knows I’ll make sure all i’s are crossed and t’s dotted. This isn’t my first rodeo, and as far as I’m concerned, a patient’s well-being is more important than getting their insurance card when they clearly need medical attention.

  “You do have insurance, right?” I gently call over my shoulder as I lead him to an empty room. “No matter, but it’ll be a lot cheaper if you do.”

  “I do,” he says in a low growl. Not much of a conversationalist, but I can’t judge him if he’s in pain.

  “Hop on up, and let’s take a look.” I turn my back, but in my periphery, it’s clear there’s no hopping necessary. He shuffles onto the high examining table while I wash my hands. I take a deep breath and turn back to the handsome, blue-eyed man.

  Slowly I unwrap what appears to be a flannel shirt from his arm. He winces when the air hits the wound. “It’s good you came in,” I say, leaning in closer. “This is a deep one, and you’re definitely going to need stitches.”

  “I figured.” He says, running his good hand through his hair. He doesn’t seem to be in much pain. It’s more like he’s peeved about being here. I can’t say I blame him. It’s not like anyone ever willingly goes to an emergency room unless they’re being paid to be there.

  “I’ll have you out of here in no time.”

  “Great.” He shakes his head, then tilts it to the side and gives it a crack as I grab my supplies from the outside closet. My heart races in my chest as I gather what I need to clean his wound and stitch him up. I will myself to get my shit together; that he’s a patient first and an extremely sexy man second. With a long exhale, I head back into the room.

  I work in silence for a few minutes, cleaning what appears to be a very nasty cut. I haven’t been nervous around a patient since I started this profession nearly seven years ago. But I’m nervous now—not good considering I’m going to need a steady hand to stitch up his thick forearm.

  “So, what happened?” I ask.

  “I got in a fight with a power tool.” He grunts as I apply the antiseptic.

  “No offense, but it looks like the power tool won.” I sneak a glance at him, his gaze is so intense that I have to look away.

  “Unfortunately, yeah. It did.”

  “Well, I’m Ariel.” I introduce myself like I do with all of my patients. Normally, it helps take the edge off. In this case, however, it does little to break the tension swirling between us.

  “Fletcher,” he says in that growling voice of his. “Fletcher Anson.”

  I set up the suturing kit, avoiding his burning gaze. “Well, Fletcher, you’re going to be okay, but I can’t promise you it won’t scar.”

  “Scars don’t bother me.”

  They don’t bother me either. The idea of this tall, muscular brute with a scar only added to his sex appeal. “I’m going to give you a tetanus shot; then I’ll stitch you up and have you out of here in no time.”

  Fletcher nods but says nothing. I enjoy working in silence, but right now, I’d beg for him to speak to me. Open up and tell me all about himself. Instead of pressing the issue, I concentrate on doing my job, but I can’t help but imagine how it would feel to have those big, strong arms wrapped around me. This thought alone keeps a smile on my face as I work on Fletcher’s wound.

  Chapter Two


  I feel like a fucking idiot. I’ve been designing and building log cabins for the last decade, and I cut myself bad enough to go to the emergency room? What’s worse is that the hottest woman on the planet is seeing me at my most vulnerable? I love helping people build their homes and seeing their dreams become a reality. But when it comes to receiving help, I hate it.

  “You’re almost done,” Ariel says in her raspy voice. I swear I’ve never seen a woman sexier than her. Even with her hair in a ponytail, clad in bright purple scrubs, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and her curves? Damn! Even those slightly baggy clothes can’t hide her amazing, soft body underneath. Part of the reason I’m so quiet right now is that I don’t want to say something that’ll make me sound like an idiot. The only words that keep running through my mind are, “Honey, you are meant to be mine.”

  Hell, she probably sees me as weak for having to be in here.

  After a few more minutes, Ariel sits back on her seat, the wheels creaking beneath her weight. “All done.” She pulls off her rubber gloves and shoots me a smile. A stray strand of hair has fallen from her ponytail and tickles her full cheek. The urge to brush it away comes on strong, but I contain myself. That’s not the on
ly urge I’m containing. Her lips, so full and cherry red, are begging to be kissed. But hell, I don’t want to come off as a creep.

  “Thanks.” I examine the bandage on my arm as Ariel heads back over to the sink. “I swear I’m not this accident-prone.”

  “We all have our moments.” She huffs out a little laugh. “Even us nurses have had our fair share of trips to the E.R.” She turns to me and licks her full lips. My cock twitches in my pants, and images of pressing myself up against her, feeling her from head to toe and back again, play in my mind. “What do you, Fletcher?”

  “I’m an architect. I design cabins in the area.”

  “Oh my God, that’s so cool!” Her light blue eyes widen with what appears to be genuine interest. “I’ve always wanted a cabin on a lake.” She clasps her hands in front of her chest, pressing them to her full bust. The angst of not being able to touch her—yet—courses through my body.

  “Well, I know a guy who can build them.” I tease, feeling my mood lighten for the first time since arriving.

  “Can he also pay for one?” When I don’t join her in laughter, her brow furrows. “Oh my God, I’m kidding. They’re just expensive.” Her face flushes the most adorable shade of crimson. At this moment, all I want to do is build her a dream home on the lake. Live there with her. Fill it with kids and puppies and anything else this gorgeous goddess desires.

  What the fuck has gotten into you?

  I shake the thought away. “Thanks again for stitching me up.”

  Ariel’s hands fly behind her back, and she takes a hesitant stride in my direction. “It’s my job.” She’s flirting with me.

  “Either way.” I stare back at her, imagining how sweet she must taste. Wondering when the silence stretching between us will be broken. I’m a man who works with his hands. Words aren’t necessarily my strong suit. It’s why I do what I do. My business partner takes care of client interaction, and I do all the labor. It’s easier than trying to read people’s minds. I like to know ahead of time their expectations.

  I have no idea what kind of expectations—if any—are floating through Ariel’s mind right now.

  “Well.” She clears her throat and extends her delicate hand. “It was nice meeting you, Fletcher.”

  “The pleasure was all mine.” Electricity flares up my good arm when our palms touch. A feeling I’ve never experienced overcomes me. People say when you know, you know. I’ve never believed all of that fairy tale bullshit regarding love. Never, until now…

  “I’ll walk you to the front.” Ariel bats her light blue eyes at me as I shimmy down off the exam table. She walks a few strides in front of me, and I take in the view of her luscious curves from behind. God, she was put together just right. What I won’t do to her once I get her out of those clothes.

  She turns around and catches me staring at her full, round ass. “If you run into any issues, or the pain meds aren’t strong enough, just give us a call.” After a beat. “And ask for me.”

  “Will do, boss.” This causes her lips to break into a sweet smile. My heart races in my chest at the sight. This woman is officially fucking with my biology, and I love it.

  Up at the counter, the receptionist stepped away. It’s just the two of us, and I know I need to make a move—ask for her number or something. I’m about to swallow my pride and do just that when the front doors whoosh open. A mother holds a wailing toddler in her arms as they make their way to the desk.

  Ariel rushes into action, heading over to the mom and resting her hand on the little boy’s forehead. The mother speaks words of gratitude as Ariel leads them back to the exam room. I bet it’s never a dull moment for her. On her way back, she stops when she reaches me and rests her hand on my arm. A wave of excitement zings through me.

  “It was nice meeting you, Fletcher. I’m serious. Call me if you need anything.” She follows the woman who’s already well on her way back with her child in her arms but turns to yell over her shoulder. “Anything.”

  Now it’s my turn to smile.

  Chapter Three


  My one night off this week goes to book club, and for that, I am grateful. Forget the fact that it’s been two days, and I haven’t heard a peep from Fletcher, not that I really thought I would. I hoped, though; I hoped hard. He’s completely occupying my thoughts. Every time I make a cup of tea or lay down to sleep, it’s Fletcher’s bright eyes that fill my mind. Unable to resist the urge for him, I even let myself drift into a fantasy about him.

  Fletcher coming back into the hospital and scooping me up like I belong to him, claiming me like I’m his possession. He expresses that he can’t live without me and kisses me in front of everyone, which eventually leads to more. He spreads my legs and buries his face in my silky wetness, his expert tongue tracing circles around my tender spot until my own fingers bring me to climax, opposite hand gripping my sheet.

  I’m not embarrassed to masturbate, but I am a little embarrassed that I’ve done it a half a dozen times since we met, every fantasy starring Fletcher. He’s put a spell on me, and I have to find a way to see him again.

  Book Club is already hopping by the time I make it downtown. All of the ladies are cackling and sipping on wine, nibbling on delicious cupcakes. I swear finding this book club has changed my life. It’s like I finally have a tribe. Growing up here, I was a bit of a loner, the high school girl with braces and glasses, head buried in a book. Turns out, I wasn’t the only girl like that. We all grew up to be pretty fucking great.

  “Okay, I don’t believe for a second that the main character didn’t know her husband was cheating!” Audrey exclaims, slapping her hand on her thigh. Now that we’re all settled and warm enough from a glass of wine, the discussion heats up.

  “I don’t think it’s always that obvious when someone is cheating.” Vanessa brushes her dark black bob away from her face. “Some men are very sneaky.”

  “Women, too.” Sidney chimes in.

  “So it’s a case by case thing.” Willow holds her hands out, attempting to neutralize the conversation.

  “Truly.” I set my wine glass down on the coffee table. “One time, a man came into the E.R. with an ice pick in his groin.” All of the ladies wince, and I laugh at the expected reaction.

  “His wife caught him cheating?” Lizzie brushes the crumbs from her fingers.

  “No, actually.” I lean forward, reining them in. “He caught her cheating. Then she freaked when he tried to throw her out and got violent. Stabbed that poor guy before he even knew what hit him.”

  “An ice pick, honey.” Audrey lets out a horrified laugh. “That’s what fucking hit him.” All of the ladies join in. “I bet you have some real doozies working as a nurse.”

  “Oh hell, that’s not even half of it. You’d be surprised what fits in certain orifices.” A squeal rises up among the group, and I can’t help but giggle. People love to hear horror stories of the E.R., and I love to tell them.

  “Ever see anyone fall in love before your eyes?” Charlotte bites her lower lip, and the room goes quiet, all eyes on me. A lump forms in my throat, and I can’t seem to find the right words.

  “I’ve never seen anyone actually fall in love.” I avert my eyes quickly, but the silence hanging in the air keeps my sentence wide open.

  “But?” Vanessa, the sweet blonde sitting next to me, asks and breaks the tension.

  “Well, there was this guy that came in the other day.” The women erupt in oohs and ahhs. I swear, sometimes we’re more like a pack of goofy teenagers than grown-ass women. (It’s also part of why I love these women so dearly.)

  “Was it two patients?” Lizzie asks, licking the icing from her finger. “Bonding over head wounds?”

  I laugh out loud, picturing that. “No, actually.” I suck the air in through my teeth, wondering if it’s a mistake telling all of these women about Fletcher. Being vulnerable isn’t exactly my happy place. I let out a long exhale. “It was me.” The women all inhale, but I interrupt be
fore they can fully react. “And I wouldn’t call it love, more like an insane case of lust.”

  “Lust leads to love, honey. Look around.” Audrey wags her eyebrows. As I look around at the bright, beaming faces staring back at me, it hits me that she’s right. I don’t know if there’s something in the water here in Emerald Village or if they're just lucky in love. Either way, it couldn’t happen to me, right?


  Willow pours herself another glass of wine, a huge smile on her face. “Tell us everything.” So, I do. I tell them about his injury, the chemistry between us, even about how I pleasured myself to him. They all clap and hoot in my favor, and it makes me feel more secure in the situation.

  “If he isn’t calling you, you should call him. Or find out how to accidentally run into him.” Charlotte uses air quotes. “The worst thing that can happen is it’s a little awkward, and you move on.” She brings her hand to the side of her mouth and fake whispers, “but I don’t think that’ll happen.”

  “You’re right. If I have feelings.” I look around the group. “I should act on them. I’m not getting any younger.” A slew of Amens ring out amongst the crowd, along with the clinking of wine glasses.

  I let out a long exhale and allow this newfound confidence to fill me from head to toe. The ladies are right. I know there was a spark between us, and I’m a modern fucking woman. If he’s not calling me, I’m going to call him. The worst he can say is no.

  But please, please, please don’t let that happen.

  Chapter Four
